Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Peek Inside My Favorite Detroit Shops

I visited two of my favorite Detroit shops that are listed under Detroit Shops I Love. I went to The Nest which carries housewares and other products. I also visited City Bird where they showcase handmade Detroit products. These stores are right next door to eachother and offer some truely unique products. Here are a few snapshots I grabbed while in the store.

First is The Nest 
This picture is of some plants that they had for sale. The products change with the seasons.

They always have some amazing smelling candles. You can see this up front on the table. In the background you will see more of the houseware items that they sell. 

Next I went to City Bird
The first picture showcases some of the Michigan and Detroit Pride hand made jewelry.

They also sell handmade greeting cards and sketchings of artwork. These pictures are only the beginning of the store. It's a rather small store however they have a wide variety of products. They sell glass bourbon decanters and glasses than can be engraved and make really cool gifts.

Unfortunately people still think that Detroit has nothing to offer. This is only a glimpse into what stores are available in Detroit. Both of these stores are located in Mid Town. Next week I am going to discuss my secret place to get groceries ;)

1 comment:

  1. I am from Detroit and get irritated when people say that Detroit has nothing to offer, but I know they just haven't been to the right places! I love the Michigan jewelry!
