Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Say NO to Huffy

No, Huffy is not the newest drug on the street that the kids are doing. It's simply the brand bike that I bought last summer. Sooooo, I guess in Detroit you shouldn't leave your bike unattended and unlocked. Yea, yea, I knew this but it was there for no more than 5 minutes! And it was in the middle of a crowded bike rack outside of my apartment building. You learn the hard way. So I went to Meijer and bought a Huffy (I even made them price match a website and thought I was getting a steal, no pun intended). You have to huff and puff when riding a Huffy in order to keep up with anyone! It's not the best for long distances which is what I love to do downtown. What other city can you go to and joy ride in the streets without having to worry about cars being in the way? I loooove exploring the city on my bike. This is what you're missing out on....

I truly believe that people in the city are brought together with bikes. There are biking events all Summer long and there are always people out and about just riding. This is especially true in the Midtown area. I'll be buying a new bike this week! Can't wait to get out there and ride. Well, when the weather gets better at least. I'll post as soon as I get my new bike. I'm going to be needing some customizing suggestions :)


  1. Nicole,

    Really enjoyed this post. I love exploring the city on a skateboard or even my bike sometimes. I have actually participated in critical mass with my brother on this http://instagr.am/p/JjC1SRDGvj/. Get out and get active.


  2. Awesome bike Ben. I have yet to do critical mass! My work schedule always gets in the way. I'll try again next year lol
